This page is part of a tribute to Bob and Becky Osgood. The Sets In Order Yearbooks are one of their legacys that comprise in these pages the history of modern square dancing choreography. Bob began publishing SIO Yearbooks in 1954 and continues until 1982. These year books contained the calls, breaks, and round dances from the latest issues of Sets in Order and Square Dancing Magazine.
This material is Copyright (C) by Bob Osgood, and his heirs and may not be reproduced in any form including digital transmission for commercial purposes. Short calls may be reprinted using credit: "Reprinted from Sets in Order Year Book followed by year book Number and publication year. Please credit by-lined authors of any material used.
To view a Year Book click on the cover picture. The Year Book will download to your browser and be processed either by the browser or other software you use to handle downloaded PDF files. Each issue may take a while to download, usually less than 30 seconds but sometimes, when the system is busy, as long as 3 minutes.
These Year Books are archived by the Square Dance Foundation of New England. A link to their site is:
This page is an alternate index to the material at the SDFNE.
Five Year Yearbook published 1954, covers 1949-1954
Year Book of Square Dancing No. One published 1956, covers 1954, 1955, 1956
Year Book of Square and Round Dancing No. Two published 1958, covers 1957
Year Book of Square and Round Dancing No. Three published 1959, covers 1958
Year Book of Square and Round Dancing No. Four published 1959, covers 1959
Year Book of Square and Round Dancing No. Five published 1960, covers 1960
Year Book Of Square and Round Dancing No. Six published 1961, covers 1961
Year Book of Square and Round Dancing No. Seven published 1962, covers 1962
Square Round Dance Year Book - 1964
Square Round Dance Year Book - 1965
Square Round Dance Year Book - 1966
Double Square Dance Yearbook - 1968
Double Square Dance Yearbook - 1970
Double Square Dance Yearbook - 1972
Double Square Dance Yearbook - 1974
Double Square Dance Yearbook - 1976
Double Square Dance Yearbook - 1978
Double Square Dance Yearbook - 1980
Double Square Dance Yearbook - 1982
Creation Process -
The magazines were scanned manually on an Epson WF-7510 at 300dpi. The scanning software was PDF Converter Pro Version 7.3. The resulting lossless .jpg images were sharpened with Adobe Photoshop elements and the searchable PDF files were then created with PDF Converter Pro version 7.3 (on a PC) usng MRC encoding to create small searchable files for fast on-line download. The PDF files must be read with a PDF reader that handles MRC encoding such as Adobe Reader 10.