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TNT332 - Jacket River

Starting in 2016 new releases from New Square Music were released from the TNT Records website.

The first release was Jacket River, a tongue-in-cheek depiction of life as it might have been in rural Canada around the 1940’s with a lumber jack named Big Sherman Becker. It is also an excercise in Grand Square.
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TNT335 - E Mau Ke Aloha

The second release on TNT Records was E Mau Ke Aloha in January 2017. E Mau Ke Aloha is an anniversary song composed by Rev. Dennis Kamakahi for his wife, on his eighth wedding anniversary. The music is composed played and sung by Rev. kamakahi and the caller does "prompt" or "chant" calling. The music is played on a slack key guitar in the Hawaiian style. Rev. Kamakahi was a four time nominee and two time winner of Grammy awards for albums containing his Slack-Key guitar music and he has played a major role in making this style of music known throughout the world.

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NSM001 - Slow Pickin'/Square Tuba

Slow Pickin' (track 1)

Trumpet picture This music is based on a traditional guitar pick riff which is played slower than normal by a synthesized guitar and instruments which don't often play guitar riffs (trumpet, vibraphone, and marimba). The strings in the background provide a soothing atmosphere. There is a 3 beat introduction and no ending so it loops easily. (time 7:08) Hear an mp3 sample* (989kb download)

Square Tuba (track 2)

Tuba picture This song begins with a happy flute which is soon joined by a tuba which helps keep the beat for the remainder of the piece, and gives the piece its name. Again strings are used as a calming influence and a xylophone, vibraphone, and wood block add interest to the music. A trumpet often plays the melody. Throughout most of the piece a marching beat is kept by the snare drum. There is a 3 beat introduction and no special end so it loops easily. (time 7:20) Hear an mp3 sample* (996kb download)

*NOTE: The MP3 file should start automatically in your media player of choice (Real Player, Winamp, Windows Media Player, etc.).


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