Alabama Square Dance Callers Association | Larry Belcher 334-215-8591
Birmingham Area Square & Round Dance Callers Association (BASARDCA) - Jerry Handley - Home: 205-998-3580; Office 205-391-2642
Montgomery Area Square Dance Callers Association | Larry Belcher 334-215-8591
North Alabama square Dance Callers Association
Anchorage Callers & Cuers Association - Chairmen: Mike and Debbie Preskitt, 12913 Troy St., Anchorage, AK 99515. 907-345-9556.
Southern Arizona Callers & Cuers Association (SACCA)
Square Dance Callers Association of Northern California
Callers Association Modesto Area
Orange County Callers Association
Santa Clara Valley Callers Association
National Capital Area Leaders Association (NCASDLA)
MASDA Callers & Cuers
Idaho Square and Round Dance Assn.
Indiana Dance Leaders Association
Iowa State Caller, Cuer, Instructor Association
Northeast Iowa Callers Association
North East Kansas Square Dance Callers Association
Kansas Square Dance Callers Association (KSDCA)
New Orleans Callers Association
Tri-State Callers Association (also NH and MA)
Old Colony Callers Association (many callers from out of state)
Tri-State Callers Association (also NH and ME)
National Capital Area Leaders Association (NCASDLA)
Minnesota Square Dance Callers Association
Minnesota's Central East Region Square Dance Callers Association
Mid-Missouri Callers Association
KAMO Callers Association (KAMO) - Greater Kansas City Area
Nebraska State Callers Association
Eastern Federation Callers & Cuers (Omaha)
Mountain Valley Caller Association
Tri-State Callers Association (also MA and ME)
New Mexico Square Dance Callers Association - only callers listing
Callers Council of Hudson Valley
Lake Shore Callers & Cuers Association
Piedmont Callers Association - Robert Kennedy - 336-686-6473
North Carolina Callers Association - Robert Kennedy - 336-685-0406
Metrolina Callers & Cuers Assn. - Charlotte Area - Gene Baker - 704-847-9686
Central Ohio Callers Association probably old web page, Jason Raleigh 614-906-8898
Miami Valley Callers Association
Greater Cincinnati Callers & Teachers Association
Lake Shore Callers & Cuers Association (NE Ohio, NW Pennsylvania, W New York)
Don Yosten 814-725-3642
Open to Callers and Cuers from all areas, Caller Training sessions semi annually. New members always welcome.
Toledo Area Western Dance Leaders Association (Northwest Ohio)
All callers and cuers welcome
Mary Kansorka 419-836-5626
Oklahoma State Callers & Teachers Association
Central District Callers & Cuers Association web page old
South Central Callers Association
Sooner State Callers Association Jerry Linduff 405/604-0892
Sooner State Callers Association is a Teaching Association
for callers of all abilities and provides a New Caller Training Program.
Tulsa Area Callers & Teachers Association, Cecil & Barbara Burton President, Phone: (580) 762-4147
Cascade Callers and Cuers Association
Capitol Callers and Cuers Association - Salem
Lloyd Larson 503-371-0303
We Meet Every Third Sunday, 1:30 to approximately 3:30, at St,Timothy's Episcopal Church, 3295 Ladd St. NE, Salem, Oregon 97301.
PennDel District - Callers | Cuers
Lake Shore Callers & Cuers Association (NE Ohio, NW Pennsylvania, W New York)
Don Yosten 814-725-3642
Open to Callers and Cuers from all areas, Caller Training sessions semi annually. New members always welcome.
Narragansett Callers Association
South Carolina Callers Association
Black Hills Callers and Cuers Association (B-P,RD I-II)
- Lonnie Keyser 605-723-2623.
Nashville Area Callers Association - contact Ken Diesburg president
Gold Coast Callers & Cuers
Heart of Texas Callers' Association
Sid Perkins 325-642-7733
Meet Quarterly in conjuction with and just proceding the Heart Of Texas Square and Round Dancers Association Quarterly meetings.
North Texas Callers Association (NTCA) - Vernon Jones - 817-613-1519
Utah Callers
Green Mountain Callers Association
National Capital Area Leaders Association (NCASDLA) (B-C1,RD I-VI,Contras,Lines)
Callers, Cuers and Prompters in the Maryland, Virginia and DC area.
Walt Peterman, Pres. 703-494-2556
Lower Columbia Callers Association
Mt. Baker Teachers & Callers
North Central Callers & Cuers
North Olympic Teachers & Callers
Northwest Callers Association
Puget Sound Teachers & Callers
Rainier Teachers & Callers
Spokane Callers & Cuers
National Capital Area Leaders Association (NCASDLA)
National Capital Area Leaders Association (NCASDLA)
MACC Milwaukee Area Callers Council (Southeast Area Wisconsin) Wayne Irwin - Secretary 262-968-9117
International Callers Organization
National Capital Area Leaders Association (NCASDLA)
NECCA - New England Council of Callers Association
European Callers and Teachers Association
Your comments/questions are welcome. Please send them to
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