57. SPIN THE TOP: Starting formation -ocean wave. Each end and the adjacent center dancer turn one half (180°). The new center dancers turn three quarters 270°) while each outside dancer moves forward in a quarter circle to meet the same center dancer with whom he started. Ends in an ocean wave which is at right angles to the original starting wave.

STYLING: Use same styling as in swing thru. Dancers who become new ends should have arms in natural dance position and hands ready to assume appropriate position for the next call.

TIMING: 8 steps from point of contact.

Jim Penrod writes:
Tom Fromm was unable to provide any teaching hints for this call so I will attempt the chore. Many callers teach this call after the dancers have done a Swing Thru from a Zero Wave. I will describe it without using gender reference. We will remember that any call that can be done from Waves can also be called from facing couples. The teach should be the same if the dancers are in Right Hand or Left Hand Waves. There is no such call as Left Spin the Top. The call will start with Waves. Tell the dancers to look at the person beside them. When the call is completed they should still be standing beside that person. Tell the outside dancers to turn the person beside them 1/2 turn. Now make sure that the new inside dancers (centers) have joined hands. Tell the new inside (center) that they will Trade then turn 1/4 more or tell them they will turn 3/4. If they are in a Right hand Wave, tell them to look at the wall over their Right shoulder. When they finish they will be facing that wall. Stress this point. It will help them learn to turn 3/4. Now have them do it.

When the centers have turned 3/4, tell the other (ends) to find the person that just left them. Before they move, tell them that they are going to Circulate 1/4 in their own group of four. They have completed a Spin The Top.

Have them repeat to themselves as you say "Turn 1/2, new centers turn 3/4, end move up1/4.
The caller should, no must, practice the dancers with starting men on the end and ladies on the end.

Now on to Tom Fromm's routines:
Heads Swing Thru
Spin The Top
pass Thru
Slide Thru
Swing Thru
Spin The Top
Pass Thru
U Turn Back

Heads Swing Thru
Spin The Top
pass Thru
Right & Left Thru
Pass The Ocean
Girls Trade
Spin The Top

Jim Penrod writes:
Don't forget the old standby:
From zero Box
Swing Thru
Spin the Top
R&L Thru*
Square Thru 3/4*
*can substitute - Flutterwheel/Sweep 1/4 for last two calls

Judy Obee writes:
My favorite Spin the Top Patter and Singer (stolen - er, borrowed - from the called side of Fiddling Man)

Heads Prom 1/2
then Pass the Ocean
Swing Thru
Spin the Top
(boys move up) Single Hinge
Girls Run Around Him
Touch 1/4
Boys Run Right
Slide Thru
Swing Corner,
In my club, most of the problems arise around the Girls Run movement.

Gerald Kuhn writes:

Spin the top Singing Call how about that:
Heads square thru 4 (10)
spin the top (8)
boys run (4)
wheel and deal (4)
right and left thru (6)
square thru 3 (6)
swing and promenade (20)
Counts: 58 (you may add an allemande left after the swing for better timing, when the dancers can make it in the correct timing.
Heads square thru 4 (10)
spin the top (8)
boys run (4)
Couples hinge (3)
1/2 tag (4)
split circulate (4)
into a swing thru (6)
centers trade (4)
swing and promenade (20)
Counts: 63