Written by Tom Fromm
2. FORWARD AND BACK: Starting formation -single dancer. Each dancer steps forward three steps and pauses while bringing the free foot forward and touching it to the floor without transferring weight. Each steps back three steps beginning with the free foot and pauses while touching the free foot beside the weight bearing foot. From facing lines of four or similar situations where eight counts are not appropriate, each dancer steps forward and pauses while bringing the other foot forward and touching it to the floor without transferring weight. Each steps back on the free foot and pauses while touching the other foot beside it.

STYLING: Couples have inside hands joined. As couples meet in the center, outside hands may be touched palm to palm. As the foot is brought to the touch (on the 4th and 8th counts), it should remain on the floor.

TIMING: SS (static square) all, 8 steps, heads or sides, 8 steps; rock forward and back, 4 steps; balance, 4 steps.

I would introduce this call, from a SS the first time. Probably immediately upon returning home from all circling. I would have them all go forward to the center, pause and say HI! Then have them back out. Now as I have the heads only go forward, I would tell them to take three regular steps and pause. Then have them back out. Now give the sides a chance at it.

I also want to have just the (boys or girls, each gets a turn) go forward and back. I am interested at this point, to not set a pattern. As I have them go forward, I might have them circle before backing back out. Another angle I used, to make sure they were listening was: girls turn around, "now very careful" everyone go forward and back. This will get some smiles, as they all look around to see if they are correct. (only 5 minutes, and they dance C7) Have EVERYONE turn around, and go forward and back like that.Everyone turn to face their partner and carefully go back and forward.

Let them dance some, then when they are home, have EVERYONE turn around. Now go forward and back. Everyone clap. Now very careful, EVERYONE go back and forward. We can have the heads (sides) only turn around, and EVERYONE go forward and back. At the end of the evening, you may want to have the head boy take his corner by the hand and go forward and back. Don't forget to let the side man have a chance. You can have them go forward like that and circle 1/2 way, and back out over there.