Tom Fromm writes:
43. FLUTTERWHEEL FAMILY: Starting formation -facing couples.

(a) FLUTTERWHEEL: The right hand dancers go in to the center and turn by the right forearm. As they move adjacent to the opposite dancer, they reach out with the free (left) hand and, taking the right hand of the opposite dancer, each continues on around to the original right hand dancer's starting position, releasing arms in the center and turning as a couple to face the center.

(b) REVERSE FLUTTERWHEEL: Generally the same as flutterwheel except that the two left-hand dancers start with a left forearm turn and pick up the opposite dancers to return to their (the left hand dancer's) starting position.

STYLING: Dancers turning in the center should remember the principle of the forearm turn (see Basics #6c and d ). The dancer being picked up can enhance the movement by anticipating the approach of the opposite dancer and step beside that person, taking normal couple handhold. If girls are on the outside, skirt work with the free hand is desirable.

TIMING: From a static square (SS), head or side ladies, 8 steps. All four ladies, 12 steps.

I will first teach Flutterwheel, from an eight chain position, with normal couples. I will tell them the name of the call, and the definition. Then I will walk them through slowly.

I will say, "right hand dancers step forward ( I say that's the girls) and take right arm holds and stop." I will tell them, that when I say, I want the girls to turn by that right arm, all the way till they get back where they started. I tell them to look at the boy that is across from you. I say "it's the boy that was just a partner with the girl your with". I tell the girls, that while they are turning, and when they get to that boy, stick out your left hand and that boy will grab it.

Now I tell the boys, that when that girl gets over to you, she will be sticking out her hand. I want you to do one of two things, your choice. I tell them that they can either, take the girls hand with their right hand and walk to the other side with the girl, or they can give the girls $20 to go shopping with. I tell them to have the money ready, or be ready to walk as soon as she gets there. I tell them, that actually, they can start walking JUST before gets there, then she will already know she won't be getting any money.

I will tell the (right hand dancer) girls, to end right back where they started, but they will have a different partner. I will walk them through a couple times, giving hints like: "in with a right girls" and " pick up that boy and take him back with you". I tell them, that it is one smooth movement, and that it will be easier when we already have some body flow.

I will then get them 1/2 sashayed, and go over it again, for the boys as right hand dancers. I will do the same things that I done for the girls. I will re-enforce the idea that the right hand dancer starts by going to the center with a right hand.

I will use this move, and get them comfortable with it. I will use it from a variety of set ups. I will also have all four ladies flutterwheel from a SS.Later in the lesson, I will get same sexes together, and ask if we can do a Flutterwheel from here. I will help them through, and I once again repeat that it is the right hand dancer starting.

I will wait a couple of lessons, before teaching Reverse Flutterwheel. I start by having them in eight chain thru, having done a couple flutterwheels just prior. I stop the music, and tell them that we also have another move in the Flutterwheel Family, and that it is called Reverse Flutterwheel. I tell them that the idea is the same, but we start with the left hand dancer, and the left hand. I will walk them through in the same manner that I did for Flutterwheel, only substituting left for right.

I will use Reverse Flutterwheel from a variety of setups. I will make sure to have them 1/2 sashayed, as well as same sexes. By waiting a couple of lessons to teach Reverse, and having the boys as RH dancers with flutterwheel, removes a lot of confusion before it starts. Also this is a call that we can USE to make the Basic program interesting.

Dan Koft writes:
Overall a good teach. I start with the sides or heads in a squared set so some will get to watch while others do the call then switch who does it and who watches. I also avoid using FW or RFW from an 8 Chain Thru formation as I find there is not enough room to start it comfortably.

In general I try to present all calls in a way that the visual learners (gotta see it to get it), auditory learners (gotta hear it to learn it), and the kinaesthetic learners (gotta do it to learn it) all are presented the call in the way they learn.