96. DIXIE GRAND Starting formation - Dixie Grand Circle, Double Pass Thru, Quarter Tag, or any formation where at least two dancers can start. Those who can start the call by joining right hands with the facing dancer and pull by. Each dancer moves ahead around the circle and gives a left hand to the next, pulling by, and a right hand to the next, pulling by. regardless of the starting formation, as the movement progresses, the formation converts to a circle.

The caller can explain that Dixie Grand is another call that uses "If you can." That is it will start with a Right Hand pull by "if you can." Explain to them that in some formations only four dancers can pull by with the Right hand. In other formations all dancers can start the call with a Right hand pull by. In either case all dancers will be able to pull by with the Left hand then the Right hand. They must be ready at all times. Explain to the dancers that Dixie Grand converts to a circle like a Wrong Way Grand. There are no courtesy turns in Dixie Grand. (The caller should be aware that Dixie Grand can be used anytime a Eight Chain 3 or eight Chain 7 could be called to a successful Allemande.) It is up to the caller whether the dancers are told that Dixie Grand usually results in an Allemande. But be aware that some callers do use other calls after Dixie Grand.

The following was written by Mike Liston Thanks.

NOTE: Again this is to use Dixie Grand as an Allemande get out.

1. Rules of thumb for an Allemande Get Out.

  1. Boys work clockwise, Girls Counter clockwise The last hand of Dixie Grand must be with the partner.
  2. Both the girls and boys must be in sequence.
  3. From a box (8 Chain Thru) formation a Dixie Grand equals an 8 chain 3 (Or 8 chain 7). Therefore Dixie Grand can be used in place of 8 chain 3 or 8 chain 7.

NOTE: If you want to do an Allemande Left R&L Grand 3d girl promenade the Dixie Grand starts with the partner and finishes with the Opposite.

2. Positions from which a Dixie grand can start. For this part all arrangements are normal, i.e. Boys on the ends of waves, girls center, Boys on the left of couples.

  1. Box
  2. Parallel RH Waves
  3. Trade By
  4. ¾ Tag (RH Waves)
  5. Double Pass Thru
  6. ¼ Tag (RH Waves)
  7. Completed Double Pass Thru
  8. Funny Column (Don't know what else to call it) setup. Lines of four facing in, Same sex facing call Slide Thru.
  9. Others???

3. The following shows how to set up the Dixie Grand for the various formations.

a. Box get out

Normal Couples, everyone facing the Opposite, all in sequence. The easiest way to set this up is from a Zero line as in the first setup. In my opinion this is the hardest of the setups to see on the fly because everyone is facing their opposite. There are several ways to set this arrangement up.
Square Thru 4
Trade by
Dixie Grand
Allemande Left
Heads Lead Right
Star Thru
Pass Thru
Trade by
Right and Left Thru
Dixie Grand
Allemande Left

Heads Lead Right
Right and Left Thru
Pass the Ocean
All 8 Circulate
Swing Thru
Spin the Top
Explode and Dixie Grand
Allemande Left
Heads Square Thru
Right and Left Thru
Swing Thru
Girls Circulate
Boys Trade
Boys Run
Bend the Line
Right and Left Thru
Slide Thru
Dixie Grand
Allemande Left

Heads Lead Right
Pass the Ocean
Single Hinge
Boys Run
Dixie Grand
Allemande Left

Heads Lead Right
Pass the Ocean
Single Hinge
Bend the Line
Right and Left Thru
Slide Thru
Dixie Grand
Allemande Left

b. Parallel RH Waves

I tie this to the Box setup because in the above simply say Step to a wave before the Dixie Grand and it works. That would be a bit boring so modify the above like the following.
Right Left Thru
Pass the Ocean
All 8 Circulate
Dixie Grand
Allemande Left

Star Thru
Pass Thru
Trade By
Swing Thru Twice
Dixie Grand
Allemande Left
Right and Left Thru
Swing Thru
Girls Circulate
Boys Trade
Boys Run
Bend the Line
Right and Left Thru
Pass the Ocean
Dixie Grand
Allemande Left

Pass the Ocean
Single Hinge
Bend the Line
Right and Left Thru
Pass the Ocean
Dixie Grand
Allemande Left